Anyway, Robert thinks his painters quit...or died on him, he's not sure which. They haven't returned his calls for a few days now OR cashed their paychecks he wrote them last friday. Interesting... He says he won't accept an excuse from them outside of, "We are/were in a/some comas." (Is the plural for coma, comas?...I'm so bad at plurals). Anyway, Robert was painting our bedroom himself. The bedroom did look nice with a fresh coat of paint on it, but he said the primer we bought wouldn't stick to the trim...hmm. We looked and there indeed was alot of drippage on the trim. I hope to God he figures it out and makes it look nice. Oh, and I THOUGHT, (shame on me...thinking...), that whoever painted that room would notice a couple spots needed SANDED...but no. We'll just paint over everything apparently. Robert also thought we wiped down all the walls ahead of time. What happens when we "Assume" Robert...? Yea, exactly...we'll, except for the "me" part since YOU are the expert...or should be. whatever. I think he's just a noob when it comes to painting, (noob is short for Newbie...as in a new person to something...case you can't follow the slang ;). you can also call someone a "noob" if they are just lame at something...). He was spraying it on, and after talking to some people AND doing alittle brain work on my part, I think he A. had the paint too thin, and B. was having humidity problems. A guy at work said paint has alot of trouble sticking in higher humidity. I bet that's it. If Robert knew alittle mroe about painting, he probably would have known the issue. Makes me think he bid on some work while not knowing as much about it as he "could" have. Oh well.
I'm writing all of this from work, and therefore can't post pictures as easily, so they'll be added later. Depending on how my night continues, you can expect to see a few lovely photos I took on the way home last night from Jason's car. Technically they were taken today as they were after midnight, so eat THAT!
(the top picture is the two-way from work. it's one of many ways the station chats with us, or as you can see, Chopper 4!)

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