Bathroom progress report: The toilet is no longer in the tub, the tub surround is being placed, and the vanity has made it's way into the bathroom...it's not quite upright...details...

In case you happened to see the picture of the baby pumpkin plants taken within the first couple days of this blog, here's an update. The pumpkin plant I chose to rule them all, (a.k.a. the one I actually planted), has become a monster beast, laughing in the faces of all those other unworthy pumpkin plants, (a couple are in the pots). If Mark decideds he'd like them, here they wait...crying for him to release them from their pot prisons.

The rest of these pictures are from my Nephew's B-day party on saturday. He's a big, bad 4 year old now. My sister found this baby baby kitten in the middle of the road the other day as well, and is trying to pawn her off on me...or someone...anyone. Any takers?
Oh, and there was some fun water battles at the part between my Dad and Xavier. Guess who got a face full of water?
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