Anyway, other than that I shot with Tom Brockman. We did a story on an apartment complex that a storm knocked out it's elevator, fire alarms and A/C. They've been out for weeks now. The owner's PR guy tells us they've had trouble locating a "Motherboard" for the elevator, since it's so old. Are you freakin' serious? A Motherboard. Last I checked, elevators go up and down. It only makes perfect sense that such a series of complex movements can only be calculated by a very involved computer system...which is the only place you will find "Motherboards." What a load of crap!! First off, if your elevator does indeed have a motherboard, that's one freakin' advanced elevator! Does it serve cappuccinos during your ride as well? Perhaps it gives backrubs. So if your stupid elevator is sooooo old you're having trouble finding parts, than you're even more full of crap. I'm sure elevators built in the 50s were jam packed full of "Motherboards." If you're elevator is that freakin' old, (I've said freakin alot), that replace the whole dang thing because it's probably unsafe anyway. Morons.
We don't cover suicides... I can't even begin to try and understand why that made sense. Not only to 1 person but 2, the ae and the producer.
I wonder if the ae and the producer's motherboard are missing.
I love shooting "not news". We do it all the time.
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