David Wayne and I got to spend over 4 hours at city hall today. It was torture. We were there because there was this new bicycle helmet law proposed, and "someone" thought that a council made up of all democrats was going to heatedly debate over the topic. Apparently, someone hasn't been to a council meeting here....EVER. I'm sure that there was some disagreements at some point, but heated?? This is a council that seems to turn every meeting into the city's most publicized circle jerk. I don't know how many "Thank yous" and compliments were flying throughout the room over those 4 hours, but I practically had to break out my Cardigan sweater and Choo-Choo train and welcome people to the neighborhood. "I'd just like to thank councilman blah bla-blah for telling us about this." "I'd like to thank other councilman blah bla-blah for thanking me on that" "I'd just like to thank both councilmembers blah and blah for giving me the opportunity to witness them thanking each other for blah bla-blah freakin blah." Now imagine over 4 hours of that bullcrap. Then, once everyone during the voting got down to the last flippin' votes one councilman made us sit through the most painfully pointless statements of the night, (which consisted of him telling us how toddlers should NOT be riding their tricycles in the street....NO Freakin' CRAP!!!!), we had the have yet another councilwoman go on for 10 minutes about why SHE was going to vote yes...after everyone else already voted yes. WE. Don't. CARE!!! Just freakin' vote already!!!
Ugg. I need a nap.
1 comment:
You should have worn a bicycle helmet to the council meeting. Maybe that would have spiced things up a little or at least gotten you a few weird looks. I don't know how you stayed awake for that one!
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