This was the room as of last weekend. The carpet job was kinda sub-par. Fortunately that was remedied on monday.

Here is the wall I tore out on the other side of the main bathroom. I had to paint all around the area with KILLZ to try and eliminate some undesirable odors. It's seemed to do the job so far.

Since I've missed a couple days here and there, here are some pics for wednesday. A on/off button the a monitor and one of our editing keyboards, (they're very colorful). How often do you see a button like that in an extreme closeup? Not much I'm betting.

And finally, here was the room as of wednesday night...I think. After work I wanted to see how everything looked, and it looked much better. The edges looked alot cleaner and the room overall is no longer "sub-par." I'd say using the elementary school grading scale of "O" for Outstanding, "S" for satisfactory, and "U" for Unacceptable, the room is now a solid "S+". In addition, my roommates wife, Marcy, gave me her seal of approval on my color choice in the bedroom. She said that blue looked "very nice." Oh yea, there's those art skills at work! Of course, I have yet to post a picture of the area formally known as the "Red Room." It WAS painted a dark red, and the trim and part of the ceiling was done in a "Chocolatey Quick" type of brown. I chose a color I thought would be motivating...you'll have to let me know what you think when I take a picture of it. To put it simply, when you're outside of the room looking in it's direction from down the hallway, you THINK there are alot of lights on in the room. That's how freakin bright the wall color is. hmm...
man that carpet looks like crap. ahahahahahahaha
Yeah, the Cosi I was talking about is the sandwich shop at Easton :) I have never been to COSI though but have always wanted to go.
Your place is looking nice! I like white trim,it just makes everything look so new & clean. Did you do that yourself? We did that here & it made a HUGE difference in my opinion. I like the fan by the way too,very cool! I bet you guys are itching to get moved in.
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