Monday, July 7, 2008

Ultimate Geek Car

That's what one website dubbed the Delorean, and I have to sort-of agree. At the same time, the Delorean is probably one of the most recognized obscure cars ever to grace the earth. I wonder what would have happened had the Back to the Future Trilogy featured a Pinto, or random volkswagon. The Delorean is so cool in itself that people remember this car long after seeing the movie. Plus, how many cars can you say would inspire some photogs to dress up like Doc Brown from the movie to pose with said model vehicle parked in our parking lot a couple nights ago. Apparently this Delorean belongs to the Litton family, (Jason Litton is a Director here at the station), and it's a fine representation of this car species. I wonder how many people ask to pose with this thing when it's out and about?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...