Look at this bugger, chomp chomp chompin' away on my broccoli leaves. I banish you to a fate of squishiness between my fingers!!! The battle continues, but there were only a few this time compared to the army I tackled a few days ago. Now if I can only find the set of teeth eating away at my pepper plant leaves.

Now take a look at the A/C Beastmaster in my backyard, (the pop bottle is to help give you an idea of size). When you look down into the thing, it seems fairly empty actually. According to the dude who installed it, its a "very efficient unit" although it wasn't like I spent my life savings on it so I'm sure it's not some premo model.

Other than those tidbits of info, I'm at work today editing...woo hoo. I snapped this pictures of that yellow wax pepper plant, (see my first post with an earlier picture), and my dominating pumpkin plant. The peppers seem to be growing nicely, (at least THAT particular plant), and I think I chose my pumpkin plant wisely...he definitely seems to be the strongest of all pumpkin plants...in my garden.
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