Also a wonderful sight...finally seeing some work getting done on the house, Woo Hoo!! These painters were pretty nice guys. They have some more to do tomorrow. The hot water tank and furnace were also brought by and will be finished tomorrow. Megan had the basement company EVERDRY stop by to give us an estimate on our basement...yea. This dude, although very nice, took 3 HOURS to get through his whole shpeel. It got alittle trying at times. The kicker, of course, was that we'd get $1000 dollars off if we signed today. We have 10 days to cancel and get our money back, (we needed to give him some commitment money...I gave him $50). He made it seem pretty urgent to set things up and although I like what he had to say, I'm not thinking I want to pay for that right now, and will probably cancel. Besides, I'm willing to bet I could get it done cheaper. Plus, he said if we didn't commit, they'd get their money elsewhere...WTF's up with that? I understand wanting us to buy, but that's being...what's the term?...Oh yea, an Ass. Like I said he was nice, but a few jerk statements came out of him mouth near the end of his bit there, and I could of done without those.

Upon getting back to the station, a tornado warning came out of nowhere, and David Wayne and I were sent right into the storm...as is expected when you work were I work. While we're on air telling people to stay indoors and get into their basement, our bosses are sending up straight into the lion's mouth. Smart. Needless to say there was no tornado, and once the warning expired at 12:30am, our news director kept us on the air well until 3am when we all were finally relieved of duty. There was no reason to be on the air for thunderstorms like we were. The probable cause was Channel 10 was still on, and was staying on until they saw us sign off, while we're looking at them waiting for them to get off the air. Flippin' stupid, but what are you going to do. This picture was snapped right before I got home. Jason, David and I were in Jason's neighborhood and almost caused David to drive his car into 2+ feet of standing water...and we didn't even know it until we saw an almost half submerged car ahead of us. Talk about close call.
BTW anyone who reads this feel free to comment and leave feedback. Just click were it says "X comments" down at the bottom any particular post, "X" being the number of posts, (usually 0).
Hey, Dude, Brutus is NOT a jerk... He's a dope! And you've got no one to blame for him looking for lights or reflections to chase but yourself! You used to tease him with a laser-pointer when he was a puppy, remember?? hehehe
I wondered if you were working during the tornado warning and almost called you to see if you were out & about.
Glad to see they started working on the house! And as far as EverDry, we had them "waterproof" our basement. While I think they did a good job, they weren't cheap. But to their credit, after they finished waterproofing (which involved them digging around the foundation on the outside and applying tar-like stuff covered with a layer of plastic (vis-queen?), busting up the concrete floor about a foot from the wall to install drain pipe, digging a sump pit to run the drain to and installing a sump pump, and burying a drain from the downspouts to the street. Even after all that, the basement still had a water infiltration problem. So they came back out, dug around the chimney side of the house, made some mortar repairs, re-tarred and re-plasticized the wall, then hooked up a hose (on the coldest day of the year) and soaked that side of the house. Ta-da! No more leaks. That is, until the next rain. We still had a leak, so I called them back. Out they came and again hooked up the hose and soaked the whole side of the house, trying to find the leak. When they concentrated on the north side of the chimney, voila!, they found the leak. There was a hole in the underlayment under the siding that would allow water to enter, run down the inside of the siding, hit the sole plate, track along the floor underlayment, and finally drip off toward the middle of the basement. So, all told, for $9500, the basement was waterproofed, but for another $25 in materials and an hour's worth of time, I fixed the problem. Oh well...
Don't be pressured into something you haven't prepared for. Take your time and get other bids (ask me about getting an old friend of mine, Gary Martin, to come over and get his opinion. He works with concrete and is pretty reasonable.) Think, then re-think about all your options. If it's been leaking for a while, a little longer won't hurt, right?
Finally, I like this blog, and have tried to start my own. But I don't have the tenacity to stay with it, not to mention I can't remember how to get to it again, so I'll probably let it sit and fester in cyber-space!
Keep up the good blog!
Love ya,
I watching channel 4 hoping you'd show up somewhere. I thought that maybe since wet death had arrived they were going to have everyone on tv that they could find. Give me a call sometime bitch!
Wow killer lightning pics! I only got cloud to cloud after I went home. You can see the pics of the 2 feet of water Seth is talking about at http://365maze.blogspot.com/ - Look on Thursday to see them. You have some great photos, I love the comment about the dog!
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