So it has been getting a bit nippy in here lately...as would be expected for this time of year. Too bad I can't heat my house properly. "How on earth can't you do that Seth?" you ask? Well, the culprit is here:

Now I have no gripes with this air conditioner...for the most part. It seems to do it's job well...when I ask it to. So what is it doing now? It's cooling the house everytime we try to heat the house. Oh yes. sweet. Now I know it's not the unit's fault. The guy my contractor hired to do the job thoroughly stinks at his job and prettymuch refuses to come and install everything correctly. Once I get his company's information, I'll be doing some extensive reporting of his arse. The pictures below further detail the ineptness...

Now, I've heard of completing a job with a spare a part left over here and there...but COMEON!!! This is crazy! He was "supposed" to install all this....stuff. It has laid down in my basement untouched for months.

Oh yea, and this is lovely. After they installed this, it leaked water...strait down through the unit. As they installed the furnace directly on the floor, the bottom has now rusted a bit due to the water. Thanks alot. My contractor got him back out here to lift it up, (he charged my contractor money to come out and fix stuff he screwed up to begin with), which they put 1/4" plastic corner pieces under it, (woo hoo). They were supposed to install all those extra bits you saw above, but didn't. They DID hook up the gas line and the exhaust vent for the furnace...why that was EXTRA and not part of the ORIGINAL INSTALLATION I'll never understand.

Here's the blower area.

And here's all the water that accumulates...because the effing A/C is still running. ugh. Hopefully when my brother-in-law comes out he can figure out why the air conditioner keeps kicking on. For the time being I have turned off the breaker to the condensor outside. However this still doesn't stop the blower from running long after the furnace has stopped producing heat. Anyone have any hints/advice? I'm looking for help anywhere I can get it!
That certainly looks worse than just a bad installation job. Your AC coming on when you call for heat?! Something just ain't right. Sounds like this guy needs to get his sorry butt sued for gyping you and who knows who else! I propose we should gather up a couple of paper bags of dog doo, set them on fire on his porch, ring his doorbell and run like hell! Or maybe something worse...
LOL, I dunno...flaming dog poo is pretty bad! Let's torch some poo!!
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