OOOOoooh! Navy Seals! I had to try and capture the sky. It was in rare-form...rare Awesome form, Boo Yaa! (don't ask).

Here's a David-Rooftop live-shot! Boo-Yaa!

Sooo when did Freddy get so...dainty? This is Megan's new Halloween costume. It's actually pretty awesome...of course I would probably approve anything Freddy Krueger related anyway. From a costume standpoint, not a bad comparison...

We decided to have Dog for dinner... Nothing like looking down the barrel of a gun, eh Levi?

If Ms. Krueger was going to pick her nose in the scariest possible way...grr.

I'd say this was a good choice for the Halloween party...then again like I said, Freddy related stuff is never a bad choice with me.
BTW, the above reference...Clerks...for you noobs.
1 comment:
HAHA David always wants to do liveshots from the roof. He thinks its the coolest thing ever. HAHA. We should all chip in and get him a big case of Binaca as his going away present.
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