A blurry picture of my cereal...blueberry style. Remember the days when cereal came in about 3 or 4 flavors...total? You know, Chocalate "whatevers", Vanilla "puff-evers", strawberry "marsh-evers", and bland cereal flavor "flake-evers". I suppose you had your blueberry stuff from time to time, but that may have been excluded to "Boo-berry" cereal...and then your "honey" flavored junk... Alright, so like 6 flavors. What's pretty funny now is whenever we see a cereal in a "new" flavor, we often have to get it just for that reason. The reality is it's usually not a "new" flavor at all. Someone just had the bright idea to inject some "Boo-berry" into my mini-wheats. Big whoop. Oh no...we gotta try it! We HAVE to find out what fake blueberries would taste like with sugar and milk! Whatever. I say give me some original flavors...stuff no one would think of, or at least be very uncertain of the taste. I'm not talking about those mystery bags of Doritos that pop up from time to time, (and on that, I think there last flavor was turpentine). Market a cereal as something no one could predict the flavor, even if it ends up being some kind of lame berry combo, keep me guessing! I want to see "Boo-Yaa!" flavored cheerios or Shmack! flavored Mini Wheats. What am I talking about exactly?... I don't know.

Okay, so the fridge thing is s'pose to slide back in the hole thing an...that's it.

King Tomato rules the middle-earth of my counter.

Our psuedo-clean and set-up living room. I think we'll leave the board over the window...for color.

Papa-san! Pu-pu-papaSAN!
Did you know that the last flavor of the mystery Doritos was Mountain Dew?! Isn't that totally disgusting?
Your place is looking good! Ava's favorite cereal is Barbie cereal (pretty much Lucky Charms in the shape of Barbie). I think Mark might of had a bowl too,haha :)
How about something exotic, like "anchovy-flavored" or "roadkill-flavored"?
Oh, and the place is lookin' GOOD!!
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