New door getting installed today. I watched our contractor heave and ho trying to get the door jam disassembled. As with most of the projects in the house, this certainly wasn't without it's share of "fun."

Those diagonal wood slabs are huge cedar pieces. They don't make them like that anymore...

I'm pretty fascinated by the past...and when I say that I refer to life that happened loooong before I was around. Seeing old craftsmanship like this is good for reminding me of that. It's hard sometimes to keep things in perspective. It isn't too often when I stop and think about everything that was here and happened long before I started sticking my nose into things. It's cool how just this small view into an otherwise unseen part of my house reveals so much. Just thinking these boards were nailed to this wall almost 100 years ago and haven't seen the light of day until now...it's pretty mind blowing. I also thought this shot was cool because it's almost like looking at the rings of a tree. The oldest part, (the big cedar boards on the right of the picture), followed by the old wood siding, then another set of flat stuff, (some sort of board or insulation), followed then by shingles, (yea...weird...but Robert says they probably insulated well...still they probably looked like crap), and finally the junky more modern vinyl siding, (soon to be replaced). We also found the original wiring for the doorbell...which I forgot to snap a photo of. I know I didn't, but did any of you ever think about how old "doorbell" technology is? I didn't before today. Pretty cool stuff.

The new door about to be fitted. I give ya the juicy pics of the new door in the frame tomorrow. It's "almost" done.

And today I got to hang with my nephew for a bit. His mom carted me to Sam's club so I could stock up on a few things, then we played some videogames for a couple hours after while she gave blood...you know, to save the world. Here's he's watching mom play some Wii Mario Galaxy.
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