The closet in the kitchen looks very intimidating...dare I venture inside...

What will happen if I open the door?....Will a ghost pop out?...Perhaps a Gremlin?....or maybe I'll just get slimed....

That was close. What's this? A secret passageway perhaps?? Well then, let me just unravel my trusty whip..er...drill and investigate...

Cold chills run down my spine... DO I feel a breeze coming from inside there? Am I hearing....chanting?....

I can...hardly...stand....the........Pressure...........sus.....pense!.....


So this is what I uncovered in my house today. I noticed this piece of drywall screwed in place inside the closet...and never much thought of the "why" about it until a few days ago. Now that the contractor has finished the flooring in here I felt like investigating. It's kinda cool finding little odd and ends nooks and crannies in this old house, (although we all know I'm secretly hoping to find some hidden fortune...not sure if TAB cuts it...maybe I should check inside the bottle). This discovery comes after another less exciting discovery while cleaning out the area under the basement steps a couple weeks ago. I found a sizable gap in the walls that you can peer down into. It was mildly entertaining. Perhaps I'll take some pictures of that sometime.
Is that Tab still in the bottom or what?
I am the same way when it comes to secret passages. I wish our house had one!
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