The First Harvest. One. One chili pepper. It was a start. This was "harvested" (if you can "harvest" only one vegetable), last week out of the garden. At least it looks like it came straight out of a Chilli's commercial...then again, I think every red chili pepper probably looks that way.

Move in night. Megan thought it was too soon...I say no way!!! We're movin' in tonight! I mean, I had just had the cable/internet moved that day AND the bathroom was ready to go...so lets do it! It was a bit messy, but what the hell do you expect from a house currently under construction. BTW, anyone want some pre-mixed grout?

The bathroom lovingly color coordinated by Megan. There are still a few touch-ups that need to be taken care of...but I'm more concerned about getting all the big crap out of the way, (like getting the HOUSE done). Megan has been showing me various mirrors for over the vanity. Why do mirrors have to be so damn expensive? Just give me a piece of tin-foil taped to the back of a piece of glass...anyone? anyone?...

As I was taking this picture Meg was intentionally looking the other way...so I just stood there and waited for her to turn around and give me the inevitable look of, "Why aren't you snapping the pi...dangit!"

Levi started sniffing this area like crazy the next day. I kept shoo-ing him off of it as normal protocol for this type of behavior is for him to Sniff Sniff Sniff, realize how stinky the spot is, then roll roll roll!! Too bad dog brains don't look even slightly into the future as the next step there is bath bath BATH! Anyway, after shoo-ing him away several times I decided to sweep my foot over the pile of grass and fur/fuzz to reveal this...

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! WABBITTS!!! Actually one did scare the crap out of me as it hopped out immediately after I uncovered the den, (it's a rabbit DEN, right?). There were at least two in there having heart-attacks as I looked at them. Cute little buggers. We were hoping mama wouldn't abandon them since we infected the den with human...stuff...

SECOND HARVEST! Aren't those the dumbest looking banana peppers you've ever seen?? Not sure why they grew like that, but as you can see they started to turn reddish...which means they were fully grown. I also picked most of the lettuce as it wasn't getting any greener. Oh, anyone have a good recipe for chili??

Sunday night, Mark expands his NBC4 resume by being volunteered for the assignment desk. I was pretty entertained when I walked up here and saw the sea of post-it notes. If that were me up there...well...lets just say the tv screen in top left corner of the picture describes how my night would have gone...

Here's one of many fair live-shots our station has been doing. I got to do this one as I was put in a live truck earlier in the week. This was the end of a very long and weird day. The first 5 hours of my shift consisted of sitting in the ghetto with David Wayne on a shooting. A 5 year old boy and 7 year old were left home alone with their drug-dealing relative who decided to leave them home alone with a loaded assault rifle in the house. Lets put these items on the scales shall we? Watch the kids, deal some drug.....kids......drugs....
Drugs. Definitely. What's the worst that could happen??...
Well, the 5 year old could shoot the 7 year old with the gun. Check. You could then see what happens and take the fatally wounded child outside in a lame attempt to keep the cops from coming inside your house and discover your stockpile of cash, drugs, and guns. Check. You could then NOT call the police and wait for a mail carrier to discover you covered in the childs blood sitting in your front yard most likely sealing the fate of said child. Check. You could lie to the police and say you "found the kid in an alley" hoping they would completely disregard the house you are sitting in front of. Check. You could then get taken to the station for questioning and ultimately get charged with three different felonies including Child Endangerment, Tampering with Evidence, and some felony weapons charge. Check. Check. Check.
So after a live hit every hour on the hour, a mini-package and VO/SOT, and NO air conditioning later, David, the reporter sitting in the ghetto shade in the ghetto neighborhood in a long-sleeve shirt, pants, and tie gets a mild case of heat-exhaustion and has to goto the ER. Fun times. I survived with little more than a headache, and went on to shoot a sports package on the new football coach at Hartley(sp?), and Amy Basista's live shot for the 11pm.
1 comment:
Ava loved your little bunny nest. Poor little things I hope their Mom comes back.
I can't believe that last story! Mark comes home with stories like that last one. The things you guys have to see & shoot everyday at work!
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