Exhibit A, the noob who doesn't realize he forgot to white balance.

Exhibit B, the other noob, but he CAN white balance. Bask in the glory!!! Just because I felt like giving a pointless lesson on something most people understand, I felt like pointing this out. In case you didn't know, "White Balancing" your camera, (which I did not do in exhibit A), is actually telling your camera, (video or still), what "white" looks like in the lighting or setting you are currently in. Most people don't realize that wherever
aring it.
The reason we went outside in the first place was for me to snap a few photos as I was pretty busy today. To sum things up quickly, I helped Joel move some stuff he was both donating to our cause, (the cause of he had lots of cool stuff he needed to lose before he moves, and we were glad to take said "cool" stuff), plus we now have the space to assist him and his wife in storage. We're more than happy to help. Joel and I tore up the crap flooring in the one weird room in the basement,(pic below), and moved the stuff right in.
Also the basement people stopped by, (I called them and told them to kiss off). Actually I called them and said that A. we don't know if we have the money, and B. don't know if a company that says, "If you don't want to commit now, we'll get our money someplace else..." is really the right "fit" for...well...anyone. The guy who showed up, (a different bloke), was pretty nice and agreed with us. So I got all my money back.
Aside from that, the Furnace, A/C, and hot water tank are in and running! The A/C is HUGE, (pic to come), and my GC, (general contractor), said he expects a big X-mas gift as he was putting in a 75,000 BTU furnace, (as that's all we needed), but for reasons that remain a mystery we got a 125,000 BTU furnace. With that, I plan on heating the whole block...apparently...
Anyhoo, this picture is my attempt to capture some lighting bugs in action. I tried and tried and tried, and this pathetic little picture was all I could muster. Click to see it bigger and you MIGHT be able to see the little yellow streaks. I wonder if there's a better way to do that, because I couldn't get anything better than that...and THAT is a bit lame.
Thanks for all the comments and feedback!! Amy...call me you freak! Do you have a blog or anything? When I clicked on your name it didn't do anything. Also, (back to the basement), I wonder why your basement only cost $9500 but our was a whopping $13,000, (before the fancy dancy $1000 off for the FORCED commitment). You're basement is over twice as big...so maybe that guy was trying to get us to pay off his student loans in overcharges. After I sat and thought about it, our water problem may not be that serious, (actually Megan is more concerned than I am about it), and we'll be able to better evaluate it once we get all the junk torn out of the basement as well.
For those curious, Shenandoah is my dude from work. Check out the crazy flooding I mentioned we almost died in, (not really). His blog is http://365maze.blogspot.com.

"Let me out, Let me Out, LET ME OUT!!!" says my cat. Dork. hehe. Look at her face, bloodlust if I ever saw it...