This was the scene on one of those giant digital LED billboards near the station.

David Wayne and I thought it looked pretty interesting. It's not everyday you see a giant billboard with nothing but snow/static on it. So, getting back to the backyard...

Ahh yes. Here's the mess as it stands.

And here was a small tragedy I wasn't able to recognize in the dark. Thanks alot...tree. Jerk.

The only tool in my arsenal. I need some better killin' tools. Maybe a giant axe or some of the pruning sheers... Oh well, here goes nuthin...

And here was the scene when I got home today. Some minor progress in the siding department! My contractor seems to be finally realizing how long this job has taken and how seriously it needs done ASAP. I guess it wasn't obvious before as now it really seems to be hurting him. I'd feel worse about it if I didn't already know I've done everything in my power to help him when various snags have arisen. Hopefully we're done with everything in a week or so... Until then, my house wins the award for most varied forms of siding visible at one time...

What? No mitered(sp?) edge on the window framing?...
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