And what exactly would a Joe Biden action figure consist of? Hmm...I'm not sure, but I'm thinking something pretty generic...since Joe Biden himself is...pretty generic. I felt compelled to write this post after seeing this on a website I frequent:

This first Sarah Palin videogame. It's obviously a lame flash game on the internet, but all the same it's a representation of this strange Palin obsession that has been sweeping...well...somebody. I'm not picking sides with or in this post. Those that know me know I'm currently sitting on the fence between candidates. However this certainly begs the question, WAJB?, (What about Joe Biden?)? Why isn't he videogame/action figure worthy? Is it because he doesn't score very high on the "Babe" factor? (Is it Babe "factor" or "scale"? I'm not sure which one of those is more correct...). Now I haven't played this "game", but I'm willing to bet Sarah Palin doesn't shoot nor has ever shot a Polar Bear in real life, (perhaps since it's highly ILLEGAL). I'm also pretty sure she doesn't dress in mini skirts or schoolgirl outfits, (outside of her bedroom anyway). So what EXACTLY gives here?

I suppose a Joe Biden game would have to be equally fabricated, yet still be relate-able to him in some way. When I say "relate-able", I mean obviously one can "sort-of" relate Polar Bears to Sarah Palin via Alaska. As for the mini skirt and schoolgirl outfit, (not pictured), you could say a good chunk of Palin's male fan base would like to see her in those outfits... So what would the Joe Biden equivalents be? Hmmm... Perhaps a game where your goal is to take Joe Biden to the dentist, (he seems to have extremely white teeth...and about 200 of them in his face from what I can tell), and perhaps his action figure would include...uhh...fisherman gear? You know, maybe a little pole and flannel shirt. It'd probably include a little brown hat with fisherman lures and flies on it. I mean, if we wanted to use the same logic for both potential VPs, Joe would have to be dressed in something people would WANT to see him in, (as with Palin's action figure). But what in the hell would anyone want to see Joe Biden wearing? Not a little schoolboy outfit. Certainly not something he would be wearing in the bedroom. Honestly, I can't think of anything.
I think they should market the VP candidates alittle differently with all this new information.
Sarah Palin, the candidate may potentially fantasize over.
Joe Biden, the most teeth you'll ever see.
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