Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dog Outtakes

So how long has it been since my last post...? Yea, about a month. What can I really. Well, amidst everything that has been going on, I opted instead to feed you a small pointless post that I dubbed, "Dog Outtakes." Prettymuch, less than perfect pictures that were taken over the past couple weeks which make up for their technical issues, (focus, framing, etc.), with their comedic or "Awwe" factor. So here they are, enjoy.
Meg took this of Levi in his "Awwe" curled up pose. It's pretty dang cute, especially the tail over the nose part.
Another picture Megan took. Not sure what was going on, but once I saw this picture I laughed.
She's throwing the ball now!!!

So all the pictures are of Levi I know. Izzy and Titus have their moments, but I guess the camera isn't always accessible at those moments. Oh well, Levi works for now.

1 comment:

Britni said...

He looks like a sleeping fox in the 1st picture and that last on is hilarious!