Soooooooo here's the update you've all been waiting for! Or at least the update the one or two of you who happen to still check my blog have been waiting for.
It's been a looong time, and I think the reason being is the "second job" killing alot of my free time. I didn't realize this until recently, (I thought I was just being lazy), but my last post was only a couple days before I started teaching at the Ohio Center for Broadcasting in Whitehall. It's been a fun and interesting experience to say the least. Anyway....

Here's the current state of the house! We got alot of the landscaping done thanks for Megan and Joel! There's still work to be done, but at least the house looks decently respectable at the moment. For those who forgot, here's where we started-

The before and after, (or after and before in this case), is pretty interesting. The most recent fix is the foundation around the porch. The above picture shows alot of the holes, crumbling, discoloration, etc.

It took a bit of work, trial and error, etc. But, I repaired all the issues here myself and got some landscaping in! Dave was awesome and was able to hook my up with some decorative stone to cover this area up...fancy it up a bit. I just haven't had the time, energy, or really the know-how to put it up. At this point I'm thinking of paying his guy...or someone to put it up for me.
Now the bricks below I'm hoping to make a pathway from the driveway to the walkway to the house. Not sure if I have enough... We'll see.

Here's the side view of the house, and all its' crazy growth. My neighbors told me about how the previous owners ended up with pumpkins and corn growing in this area of the yard...and how funny it was. Some said how they used to show their kids how big the pumpkins were getting each day. Well, I happened to have an abundance of tomato and pumpkin plants this year and no place out back to plant them. So why not stick with tradition...right? I'm probably getting alot of point for uniqueness...maybe.

I also can't say I've quite figured out pumpkin growing yet. There's apparently a trick to it. I'm getting better, but I still feel like I could be doing something better. My mom gave me a couple different kinds of pumpkin seeds. This is a white pumpkin. weird.

And these are pumpkin pie pumpkins. Unfortunately I don't have any normal carving pumpkins planted...(I didn't realize that until later), but these still work. Right now I have 3 PP pumpkins and one white pumpkin growing. I might have had more under some different circumstances, but considering how much space one pumpkin plant takes up to grow just one pumpkin...well... yea.

and what would a post be without the dogs. This time, they're sporting some summer cuts!

Levi's cut turned out the best, (we did them ourselves). Titus' coat, however, is thick beyond reason...and his cut turned out more...interesting. It doesn't look bad, but oh well.

Finally, we have a sample of all the flippin' tomatos we've picked. I actually picked most of these yesterday...and I have no idea how we're going to eat all of these. the above tomato slashing happened after I dropped him in some pumpkin territory...and the little needles that grown out of the stems/stalks/whatevers sliced him up pretty decent. Pumpkins are tough characters.
The house looks great! You guys have worked so hard to get it looking good. We know how much work goes into all of that! I should have done a summer cut on Logan...
Yea, too much work! I'm almost to the point of just hiring a bunch of people to finish everything else we need done around here. Too bad that costs money I don't want to spend...
It's still not too late for the summer cut! Megan and I debated it for awhile as she was originally against it...but she came around after awhile and actually wanted to do it. I just felt bad with these long-haired dogs in all the heat!
Man, it's about time you updated your blog! Do you know how many times I've had to re-read your last one? hehe
I'm a fine one to talk. I haven't updated mine for a while
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