So I decided to allow the dogs to play out in the yard...with 6 inches of snow on the ground.

Pretty-much what you'd expect. Snow covered dogs. One thing you get an extra-special helping of with the long-haired dogs...

Super-Snow Toes!!! Well, at least thats how it looks...but it's just as possible Levi was attempting to do his nails. That was until he realized that whole "opposable-thumb" thing was going to cut his dreams short.

So why don't we just eat the snow between our toes instead!

Titus wasn't nearly as willing to be photographed. That is dog-spit frozen all over his neck making it puff out like a lion's mane. I actually had to remove some ice frozen to his whiskers on the left side of his face to get a picture of him. He kept trying to bite them to get the ice off. I didn't have to heart to tell him he'd never reach the tips of his whiskers with his mouth...then again, would it have mattered?
1 comment:
Haha, I love the frozen dog toes pic. Our dog Logan had to hop really high to get anywhere in our yard. The snow covered half his body. He comes in & licks his paws like a cat...he's a bit confused.
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