At any rate, this week has been interesting...and kind of promising, at least for the business Nate and I have. If someone would have told me that I would own some of the companies I used to freelance for a few years ago I wouldn't have believed a word of it. That's right...I said Businesses...plural. After a meeting last Wednesday with RaMarie of Mind's Eye Media, we discussed and obtained her business as well. Holy crap. As a direct result, the new business phone we have was ringing all day on Thursday! Alot the the work from Mind's Eye will be smaller jobs, but not bad jobs. Bascially instead of shooting and editing a wedding for one or two grand which could take 8-12 hours to shoot and anywhere from 12-30 hours to edit, we'll get smaller jobs that may take only a hour or 2 to shoot, (give or take), and another few hours to edit for a couple to few hundred dollars. Not a bad thing as long as there are alot of these little gigs...which are easier with a quicker turnaround.
Of course, one thing we've noticed is how Mind's Eye got alot of business because the owner under-charged quite a bit in alot of situations...mainly from lack of knowledge/experience on certain matters. The toss up now is do we maintain the high-volume/lesser-pay situations or the inverse. Decisions decisions.
We also need to invest in a decent HD camera for when those projects come up...and I believe they will be in increasing amounts. However, the only way to do this at the moment is to risk more of my personal credit by purchasing business stuff through my credit. The business will be able to pay for it I'm certain in time, but hasn't established itself enough yet to get it's own credit yet. Plus, I need to pay off my own debt first...and quicker. Anyone looking to dish out a small loan?
Anyway, the next item on the immediate list are our business cards...which I'm glad we didn't already purchase. One side will be fore Digital Weddings and the other for Mind's Eye media. Now I just need to design a newer nicer logo for Mind's Eye.
here are the current websites for all the business related stuff:
All Digital Productions came with the wedding company...but the site isn't very well optimized. It has a nicer, cleaner, and more professional look than Mind's Eye, but Mind's Eye has been heavily marketed, etc. over the past few years. So Mind's Eye is bringing in business where All Digital is not.
Now, we just have to start marketing these puppies.

Currently accepting ideas and input.
Awe. Puppies.
1 comment:
There's a lot of small business federal money available. The trick is knowing where to look. I'd investigate that first.
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